Our bulletin in PDF (Portable Document Format):
Zpravodaj SOM 2017 (Czech language)
Zpravodaj SOM 2011 (Czech language)
Kudrna O., 2019: Distribution of Butterflies and Skippers in Europe. SOM, 364 pp. Price: 45,- EUR + postage/packing. Read more.
Benes J., Konvicka M., Dvorak J., Fric Z., Havelda Z., Pavlicko A., Vrabec V., Weidenhoffer Z. (eds), 2002: Butterflies of the Czech Republic: Distribution and conservation I/II. SOM, Praha, 857 pp.

Herman P. & Skala P., 2015: Endangered insect species of the Czech Karst (Czech Republic, Central Bohemia): Eastern Baton Blue, Scolitantides vicrama (Moore, 1865) (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Fragmenta Ioannea Collecta, 21: 59–67. (PDF)
Herman P., Pavlicko A., Besta L. & Besta M., 2015: The Baton Blue, Scolitantides baton (Bergsträsser, 1779) (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) in the western Bohemia: occurrence and notes to the bionomy. Zapadoceske entomologicke listy, 6: 7–11. (PDF)
Article "The nature of the former tank-training area Klenová near Klatovy (SW Bohemia)" in PDF
Podaří se zachovat přírodu klenovského tankodromu? (Czech language)
Notes on Lepidoptera (Insecta) of the Vinařická hora Nature Monument (Central Bohemia, Czech Republic) (PDF)
Commented list of Lepidoptera (Insecta) recorded during the meeting "2014 Entomological Days" in the Český kras/Bohemian Karst (Central Bohemia, Czech Republic) (PDF)
The 9th Lepidopterological Colloquium (PDF)
The 9th Lepidopterological Colloquium
"Butterflies & Moths of the Bohemian Karst" - pexeso in PDF
Motýli Českého krasu - pexeso